There has being slight delay in blogging the last couple of weeks. Much apologies. I was entertaining my oldest friend Sophie (aka Betty - not that she is old, I have just known her since I was a toddler) and her 3 lovely boys.
Anyway some ripe bananas and recipe tinkering , I think I have come up with my latest banana bread recipe. Now if you belong to the “banana bread should be like cake” camp, this recipe may disappoint. If however you are like me and think banana bread should be more bread like, then you should enjoy this recipe. And.... bonus... its relatively healthy. It does have sugar but much less than many conventional banana bread recipes. And no butter just a tablespoon of oil. Don’t get me wrong , I quite like to make proper cakes with butter and sugar but for something like banana bread , it seems quite unnecessary. Traditionally cinnamon is the spice for banana bread but I can’t get enough of cardamom. Its absolutely one of my favorite spices, for savoury and sweet dishes alike. As a result you could probably fry up an old shoe and sprinkle it with cardamom and I would think it was delicious. but I understand that not everyone has my cardamom obsession so please feel free to substitute with cinnamon. Also because it is relatively low fat it doesn’t keep as long as some banana breads but it toasts beautifully.
This is a great way to use up really ripe bananas, the riper the better, mine had a leopard-like skin but an all black panther like skin is even better.
2 large eggs
100g of brown sugar
3 mashed very ripe bananas.
100ml of buttermilk
1 tablespoon vegetable oil ( I use rapeseed)
A dash of vanilla extract ( 1/2 tsp in this case)
130 g of plain flour
130g of wholemeal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
50 g of walnuts , roughly chopped ( Pecans would be nice too)
Cardamom seeds (seeds from about 8 - 10 pods) / 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
Preheat oven to 180c/Gas 4/Fan 165c
Grease a 2lb loaf tin well and dust with flour. ( I cheat here and use greaseproof loaf tin liners - available from - some of my tins have lost their non stickiness and it saves tears later on)
Crack the cardmom pods with a knife and take out the seeds. Crush in a pestle and morter or use your knife.
Beat eggs and sugar until thick and light, This takes around 4 minutes with an electric beater, very much longer by hand ;-)
Mix in mashed bananas, buttermilk, oil, vanilla and cardamom seeds.
Add in both flours, baking powder, baking soda and salt, fold until just blended. Then gently stir in the walnuts. The mix will be quite sloppy
Pour mix into the prepared tin.
Bake in the oven for about 1 hour until golden brown on top. Test it is cooked by inserting a skewer into center. The skewer should come out clean.
It may take a little longer depending on your oven. Tip : If you feel the inside not fully cooked but the outside is getting to brown - Just put some tinfoil over the top and continue cooking in the oven. This works for most cakes and breads.